SOCP - Shooting for Optimal Control Problems (2019):

This C++ library implements a shooting algorithm for optimal control problems. It has been developed in collaboration with Riccardo Bonalli during his Ph.D thesis. Using homotopy (or continuation) techniques, it can compute solutions for many optimal control problems such as the Goddard problem, the missile intercept problem, planning problems in robotics, etc. (see examples provided in the SOCP package). An open source version is available here:

Xenomai on Raspberry Pi (2016):

See this page to install Xenomai on your RPI: here.

An example to be compiled on your RPI after Xenomai has been setup: HelloWorld.

My simulator for automatic landing with an interface (2010):

This simulator can be used to test the control law for automatic landing presented in Landing a VTOL Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on a moving platform using optical flow. Three ways are available to run OFLanding. If Matlab is installed on your computer, just run "landing.m" in the folder "OFLanding_m". "OFLanding.exe" in the folder "OFLanding_exe" can be used if Matlab runtime environment is installed on your computer (see "readme.txt"). You can also run "OFLandingSetup.exe" on a Windows platform to install the application. The runtime environment will be automatically downloaded and installed.

My sudoku solver with source code (2006):

SudokuSolver need the java runtime environment installed on your computer. After extracting the zip file, execute "WinSolve.bat" to run the example. Modify the file to solve a new grid.